A Leading Pediatric Dentist in Kearney, MO Advises Parents to Say No to Soda — Soda pop is bad. There is no other way to say, and we are sorry. About 25% of people drink sugar-sweetened beverages every day and at least one at least once a day, and they are terrible. They are terrible for obesity, and the best pediatric dentist in Kearney says soda is terrible on your teeth. These choices lead our children to issues later in life, but the biggest thing is that they cause cavities very quickly without proper dental care.
Dental enamel is that coating that is on the inner structures of the tooth, and it can become eroded with acids. Energy drinks, sodas, and some fruit juices feed those oral bacteria, and that produces even more acids. Some of the biggest offenders include:
- Diet and Regular Soda
- Energy Drinks
- Fruit Flavored Drinks
- Juices
Drinkers of the above usually have more cavities, erosion, sensitivity, tooth decay, decalcification, and white and brown spots. They are also more susceptible to tooth infections deep in the root. The body remineralizes the enamel daily thanks to calcium, but the acidity will keep the saliva from doing its job, according to the best pediatric dentist in Kearney, MO.
So, do you want to know how much sugar is in the drinks your kids are consuming? Our Pediatric Dentist in Kearney, MO Knows! 
Water – 0 grams of sugar
Sports Drink – 21 grams of sugar
Energy drink 27 grams of sugar
Soda – 49 grams of sugar
Our dentists at Shoal Creek Pediatric Dentistry, the best pediatric dentist in Kearney, recommend you choose bottled water, tap water, or milk.
The choices you make early in life become habits for adults. The love of water, proper brushing, and avoidance of sugar are substantial health benefits to everyone. Add in proper exercise to set an excellent example for now and in the future.
Suppose you are concerned about your child’s dental health and feel that maybe your child’s teeth have soda erosion. Call our dental offices to see one of the best pediatric dentists in Kearney, MO, for a consultation. There is always time to change unhealthy habits to healthy ones.
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