Is your child afraid of the dentist? Don’t worry – they’re not alone. It’s very common for children to fear the dentist, even adults! From our facemasks and scary looking instruments, we understand where this fear comes from. However, visiting pediatric dental specialists is crucial if you want your child to have happy and healthy teeth. When it comes to treating dental anxiety in children, our children’s dentist in Liberty, MO has a few suggestions to help you out.

Treating Dental Anxiety in Children

Prepare Them

Before your child’s appointment with the best kid dentistry, prepare them by letting them know about it and what they can expect to happen. Tell your child why visiting the dentist is important, what sensations they might experience, sounds they may hear, etc. Give them time to ask any questions they may have and answer their questions to the best of your ability. Additionally, do not promote dental phobia by telling your child about an unpleasant experience you’ve had and avoid using words like “hurt” or “shots.”

Put Your Child at Ease

When it comes time for your child to sit in the dentist’s chair, let the dentist know about your child’s dental anxiety. Pediatric dental specialists are trained to deal with young children and the fears they may face. As a parent, you can help put your child at ease by letting them hold your hand during the process, having their favorite toy ready to distract them or let them know how you will reward them afterward.

Set an Example

Children are quick learners and do best when they are shown what to do and how to act. For example, as the parent, you can ask the pediatric dentist to demonstrate on you what will happen to show your child there is nothing to worry about. Additionally, the more calm and relaxed you are will help put your child at ease.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the best way to encourage good behavior in young children. If your child has severe dental phobia, reinforcing their brave and good behavior at the dentist is a great way to reduce their fear and create a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.


Helping a child overcome their dental phobia may take time and patience, but luckily every pediatric dentist is trained to handle young children and the common fears they face. To learn more about how our team at the best pediatric dental office in Liberty, MO creates a kid-friendly environment, contact us today and schedule an appointment to see what we’re all about.